• Koula, 94.7 presenter and F&HE blogger, is loving all things food-related in her travels through Turkey, Greece, Italy and Israel…

    Friday 31 August

    It’s safe to say I love Assos! Most especially the quaint port of Assos! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more exquisite place. Another one of Turkey’s hidden gems that I’ve decided I must return to see again at another stage. We filmed the ruins of the Temple of Athena this morning, high up on a mountain, and then went to the port to explore and shoot some more. It is the most unbelievably beautiful town… nothing seems to happen there. The perfect place to relax and escape for a while! Google it!

    From there, we drove to Alexandria Troas to film the ancient Roman baths as well as a historical site that is still being excavated. The Roman baths are literally thousands of years old and with their beautifully curved and arched entrances (that are still standing), it’s hard to believe that there’s no cement holding those old rocks together. They were all perfectly balanced and placed there, centuries ago – although I must be honest and say I ran under them as quickly as possible, just in case one rock decided this was the day!

    After that, it was off to Troy to see some more ancient ruins and a very modern looking Trojan horse, built just for tourists to enjoy! 

    Too excited for tomorrow as we’ll be driving into Greece! I’m half Greek (my father’s side) and having never visited Greece before, I think I am more excited about being in a country where people will know how to pronounce my name than anything else.

    By Serdar Yilgoren

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