A healthy diet that tastes and looks good

December 21, 2016 (Last Updated: November 13, 2018)
A healthy diet that tastes and looks good

Festive food should not only taste good, but look good too. It’s all about the flavours, aromas and taste – and never underestimate the power of presentation. If the cliché ‘put the cherry on top’ is true, then Hellmann’s is the cherry. For decades, Hellmann’s has been in the business of making food look good, bringing out its taste and full personality.

What’s on the menu?

It doesn’t matter what you have planned for your festive season menu, choose Hellmann’s as a partner to your favourite meal. A far cry from regular mayonnaise, Hellmann’s oh-so-heavenly smoothness melts in your mouth, leaving you with a taste for more. It doesn’t have a strong tang and unlike regular mayonnaise, it does not contain saturated fats. With real and simple ingredients used, you can be a confident host, knowing what you are serving your guests.

Taste the best of both worlds

Hellmann’s comes in two variants, each enriched with the classic Hellmann’s original taste. The Original variant is good for a braai or buffet while the Reduced Oil version is suitable for maintaining your diet.

Try Hellmann’s Original mayonnaise today and bring out the best in your family meals! Also available in Reduced Oil.

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