Scrambled eggs with artichokes and Serrano ham

May 5, 2015 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Scrambled eggs with artichokes and Serrano ham recipe

Scrambled eggs with artichokes and Serrano ham works just as well with artichokes in oil and makes a fabulous breakfast or light Sunday-night supper.

Cook’s tips
• Blitz cooked artichokes with kalamata olives for a fun twist on tapenade.
• Marinate cooked artichokes in olive oil, garlic, chilli and herbs, and serve with a classic antipasti platter.
• Artichokes are always good drizzled with a little lemon butter or olive oil and lemon juice.
• Gratinate artichokes with a rich cheese sauce topped with toasted breadcrumbs.
• Add artichokes and chorizo to pizza.
• Toss hot pasta with artichokes, sundried tomatoes and olives for a quick meal.

Recipe by Anke Roux

Photographs by Neil Corder

Scrambled eggs with artichokes and Serrano ham

Serves: 2
Cooking Time: 15 mins plus extra for artichokes


  • 40ml butter
  • 60ml olive oil
  • 4 artichokes, trimmed, cooked and halved
  • 4 free-range eggs, lightly beaten
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 4 – 6 slices Serrano ham



Heat the butter and a good slug of oil in a pan, and brown the artichokes. Remove from the pan and keep warm.


Scramble the eggs to your liking, and season.


Serve the eggs topped with artichokes, draped in Serrano ham and with a couple of slices of toasted bread.




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