• TO DRINK (F&HE): Go for De Morgenzon Chenin Blanc 2005

    Roasted pancetta-wrapped chicken with tomato and tarragon salad

    Serves: 4
    Cooking Time: 30


    • 2 slices pancetta
    • 2 chicken breasts
    • 50ml olive oil
    • 4 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and sliced
    • 20ml tarragon, chopped
    • 200ml tomato cocktail
    • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
    • 4 slices toasted ciabatta



    Preheat the oven to 200°C.


    Wrap the pancetta around the chicken and secure with cocktail sticks. Sear the chicken in olive oil for a few minutes, then bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Set aside to cool slightly.


    Mix the tomatoes, tarragon and tomato cocktail, and season. Slice each chicken breast crosswise at a diagonal angle into four or five segments.


    To serve, place the warm chicken segments on the tomato and tarragon mixture, and place a slice of ciabatta toast on the side of each plate.


    If you can’t find tarragon, use fresh sage.