• Everybody loves a steamy, hearty, moreish pot pie. This spinach and feta pie is surprisingly easy, and is a good option for when the whole family comes to visit on a Sunday afternoon.

    TIP: You can easily add chicken, bacon or another meat product without changing anything in the recipe, if you choose.

    Serves 4



    ½ onion

    1 clove of garlic

    500 g spinach

    2 rounds of feta

    500 g mushrooms

    500 ml fresh pouring cream

    1 chicken stock

    400 g puff pastry

    1 egg



    Heat oven on 180°C.

    Fry diced garlic and onion in a pan on medium heat.

    Wash spinach and boil in water for approximately 5 min.

    Cut mushrooms and add to garlic and onion in pan.

    Add chicken stock.

    Lower stove plate to low and add cream.

    Mix pan’s contents and spinach in a baking dish.

    Add feta and spoon in.

    Flatten puff pastry with rolling pin.

    Cover dish with puff pastry.

    Whisk egg yolk slightly and brush on top of pastry.

    Bake for 20-30 min or until pastry is golden brown.

    Serve with rice, vegetables or salad.

    ALSO SEE: Chicken curry pot pies

    Written by Anita Froneman for Getaway.

    Featured Image: Getty
