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    If you’re looking for flavoured vodka but don’t want the chemical aftertaste that typically follows out of a bottle, pineapple shooters are for you. These are fresh and…

    Perfectly beautiful to look at, a Cointreaupolitan is a variation on the classic Cosmopolitan, taking things up a notch by replacing the usual vodka and Triple Sec with…

    Traditionally a stiff mixture of gin with the merest hint of dry vermouth, a martini could be described as “astringent” at best. Something of an acquired taste, it…

    Iced Chai tea is a delicious lightly spiced beverage. This tea is homemade in India, but the South African version comes ready-mixed in a powder, and is already milky.…

    The mojito is a classic, so why not give it an updated kick? The spiced mojito has some delicious new flavours to offer without abandoning the traditional combination.…