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    From cocktail recipes to gourmet milkshakes to punch recipes and decadent hot chocolate recipes there is a drinks recipe for hot and cold weather, both non alcoholic and alcoholic.

    Print Recipe Spiced hot chocolate Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 10 mins Ingredients 500g 80% couverture chocolate 750ml (3 cups) milk 2 cinnamon sticks 2,5ml (½ tsp) cayenne pepper or chilli powder 75ml (3 shots) brandy 125ml (½ cup) fresh cream, whipped to fluffy peaks Instructions 1 Finely chop your chocolate. (The best way is to

    The Michelada is one of Mexico’s most popular cocktails. Although the ingredients and preparation vary from town to town, we’ve gone with the most traditional version. A mixture of…

    A cocktail cornerstone, the sidecar is thought to have been created after the First World War, in either Paris or London. Instead of completely revamping a classic, we’ve stuck quite closely…